Alpesh Patel

Setting The Record Straight: I Am Not A Marxist

Updated: Nov 15, 2023

Dear fellow citizens,

I feel compelled to address recent comments that have been circulating in the media and online regarding my political beliefs. It has come to my attention that some individuals have accused me of being a Marxist. I want to set the record straight once and for all.

Let me be very clear: I am not a Marxist. I have never been, and I never will be. Any suggestion to the contrary is entirely false and baseless.

The fact of the matter is that I read at age 12 about the principles of Marxism, specifically the idea that workers create profit for the owners of capital. This led me to realize that it would be much more advantageous for me to become a shareholder rather than simply an employee.

As a result, I started buying shares in various companies, in part thanks to privatisations of the 1980s, using the names and monies of family members (I remain the most liked nephew to this day), and have been somewhat successful in paying the bills.

However, this decision does not reflect a belief in Marxist ideology. Instead, it is simply a smart financial move that anyone can make, regardless of their political leanings.

I apologize if my previous comments have caused confusion or concern among any of my supporters. Please rest assured that I am not a Marxist and never have been. I remain committed to the principles of democracy, free market capitalism, and individual liberty.

Indeed, if you'd like to be a better capitalist, I suggest you visit my free resources at Free is not very Capitalist of me, but it will encourage more capital building in your pension.

Thank you for your understanding.


Comrade Alpesh Patel

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